Burger King, the time has come. Execute Order 66. To Go. With a shake.
Icon/Genre/Wiki Mod
Joined on 5/1/10
Posted by CommanderWalrus - October 30th, 2010
This was the best thread lock ever.
Kliktoria is dead.
Posted by CommanderWalrus - October 9th, 2010
Don't steal Flashes, or Uncle Walrus will beat down on you.
Posted by CommanderWalrus - October 3rd, 2010
Yep, the day of calories and saturated fat is upon us, and to celebrate, i'll be making some flashes.
1) GeneralWalrus and I will be collaborating on an as-of-now detail-less project. Stay tuned.
2) My solo project, featuring Commander Walrus, (the character.) voice actors will be needed, if you are interested, PM me. I'll be making a post about that soon.
Till then, enjoy the candy, kids.
Posted by CommanderWalrus - October 1st, 2010
Realizing that you're part of "A Select Panel" feels pretty good.
Anyway, here's my ballot:
Posted by CommanderWalrus - September 29th, 2010
Yup, I'm one of the few and the proud. Thanks Tom, I will serve you well.
If any of you guys need some genres done, leave a comment, or send me a PM. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Posted by CommanderWalrus - September 26th, 2010
Enter GeneralWalrus. Formally the second user running this account, he has now entered the Walrus Army as his own. In the Walrus Army, Commander and Generals are equal. Welcome.
Now I can screw this account over with my own tastes.
Posted by CommanderWalrus - September 25th, 2010
I'd like to thank this for being my fodder.
I destroyed someone else's hard work.